Treecolor Alliance’s initiatives are entirely carried out in close collaboration with indigenous populations, in accordance with the standards of excellence advocated by the charity. Each project is meticulously planned to have significant environmental and social impact.

With regards to the environment, our approach relies on the ancestral knowledge of local communities, enhanced by external expertise, with the aims of restoring degraded ecosystems, promoting the regeneration of sustainable forest cover, and enabling the long-term return of biodiversity. Selected sites undergo strategic studies to create ecological corridors where feasible. In addition, Treecolor Alliance works exclusively with endemic species, thus contributing to the preservation of local biodiversity.

Our social activities focus on highly disadvantaged areas, aiming to combat food insecurity, economic disparity, and to foster sustainable growth. We actively integrate the most vulnerable groups within these communities into our projects.

For example, in Panama, unemployed Emberá youths are involved in maintaining and cultivating plants destined for direct sale within the project. They receive continuous support throughout the process and participate at all stages, thereby acquiring a job, generating direct income, and reconnecting with their ancestral cultural heritage.

In our pursuit of innovation, we also strive to create innovative reforestation projects, serving as examples and inspiration for similar initiatives worldwide.


Because of their multi-dimensional nature, our programmes cover a broad spectrum of the United Nations’ sustainable development objectives: